jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Réplica del reloj Rolex Daytona 2016 by Astrario

Rolex es la marca más conocida en el mundo. La compañía es uno de los mejores fabricantes de relojes de lujo y sus productos representan una innovación absoluta. Los relojes Rolex son un símbolo de la posición social y  la confirmación del estilo y clase que uno tiene. Particularmente,el Daytona es uno de los diseños más populares de Rolex, tanto un modelo excepcional y un movimiento revolucionario.


Todos soñamos con tener un Daytona, pero un Rolex  es muy caro y para muchas personas es solamente un sueño imposible.  Alimentados por nuestra necesidad de tener un reloj que es idéntico a un Rolex pero cuesta menos, las empresas de réplicas comenzaron a fabricar imitaciones de Rolex más  y más exactas. Hoy, podemos encontrar replicas que tienen una excelente calidad y que son idénticas a los modelos Daytona originales.


 ¿Pero cómo hacemos para encontrar una réplica del Rolex Daytona que es igual al reloj original? ¿Cómo sabemos cómo reconocer una copia perfecta? Puede ser muy fácil si se siguen estos pasos sencillos:

La primera cosa que debería verificar en un reloj Rolex es la esfera. La esfera tiene que ser perfecta. Una Daytona nunca tendrá descoloraciones o manchas en la esfera. Esta parte del reloj debe tener un color blanco claro. Los marcadores de hora son en forma de flecha y están cubiertos con pintura luminiscente. En la posición de la hora 12 se encuentra la pequeña corona de plata Rolex como marcador de hora. Las pequeñas esferas tienen una forma de círculos con el exterior de plata y el centro blanco. La esfera posicionada a las 3 está marcada con 10, 20, 30; la esfera posicionada a las 6 tiene 20, 40, 60 y la esfera posicionada a las 9 tiene 3, 6, 9, 12. Sobre la esfera pequeña situada a la hora 6 encontramos la palabra “DAYTONA” colorada en rojo. Las manecillas también están hechas de acero inoxidable, y las dos manecillas de las horas y de los minutos están cubiertas con pintura luminiscente que los hace brillar en la oscuridad. Al comparar el reloj original Rolex Daytona con la réplica de estas fotos se puede observar que el reloj falso tiene una esfera idéntica al original.

El reloj también parece tener todas las marcas de autenticidad, como la palabra Rolex grabada alrededor del interior de la esfera, los índices correctos en el bisel de acero inoxidable y el número de serie impreso en la etiqueta con el holograma verde. También, la etiqueta de holograma está bien colocada en la parte trasera del reloj.


Después de hacer una inspección muy detallada, hemos concluido que esta réplica del reloj Rolex Daytona con esfera blanca es una copia exacta. Respeta el diseño del Daytona original y tiene todas  las marcas de autenticidad. Realmente, es un reloj de imitación de muy buena calidad que podría convencer a cualquier persona que es un Rolex Daytona auténtico.



  1. hector

  2. Helma Pacheco
    Hola, quisiera tener mas informacion del modelo Daytona y de otros modelos en color plata si es que los tienen. Importante saber los precios y modo de envio.
    • admin
      Lo siento mucho, pero yo no vendo estas réplicas. Sólo escribo mis opiniones sobre estos relojes de imitación.
      Por favor, póngase en contacto con la tienda que los vende para pedir esta información.


    Buenas tardes.
    Me gustaría preguntarte si funcionan las tres esferas pequeñas en tu réplica del Rolex Daytona. En muchas réplicas no funcionan.
    También me gustaría preguntarte si lo has comprado en perfectwatches. He comprado una réplica del Rolex Deepsea en esa página y NO estoy satisfecho con él.

    Un saludo.

      Esta es una réplica suiza  de http://www.replicarolex.tk/index.php?cPath=1_5 y  las esferas pequeñas funcionan.


miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Replicas de Relojes, Replicas Suizas, links España contrareembolso by Astrario

Aqui os dejo unos buenos enlaces donde comprar replicas ¡¡¡¡¡



Búsquedas relacionadas con

  • reloj tag heuer imitacion
  • tag heuer imitaciones
  • replicas suizas de rolex
  • Replicas Rolex España contrareembolso

Resultados del Web

  • http://www.replicasreloj.tk 

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    http://www.replicasreloj.tk Las respuestas a las preguntas que formulé a distintas tiendas de relojes replica ... Las imitaciones suizas tienen mecanismos hechos en Suiza, los cuales son ...
  • Los Mejores Sitios de Réplicas | Replicas Suizas

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lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Cómo carburar una moto de 2T o 4T



Tras el éxito que ha tenido el manual que cree anteriormente para averías comunes, me he decidido a crear este otro para explicar como carburar tu moto de 2T.

Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es limpiar bien el carburador, ya que por mucho que carburemos, si el carburador está sucio no haremos nada.

Bien, una vez todo limpio ( filtros de aire incluidos ) encenderemos la moto y regularemos el ralentí a 1.500 RPM para que la moto se mantenga encendida.

La dejamos calentar 1 minuto o dos a ralentí, después de esto, procedemos a lo siguiente.


Cerramos el tornillo del aire a tope, posiblemente después de cerrarlo se nos pare la moto ( tranqui, no pasa nada ) abrimos el tornillo del aire una vuelta media. Encendemos la moto, y abrimos gas de golpe a tope. Si se ahoga al subir de vueltas ( vaya, que ni llega a subir ) es que le falta aire. Bien, pues le subimos otra media vuelta más el tornillo del aire y repetimos acción.

Si al subir de vueltas la moto tarda mucho en bajar rpm, es que le sobra aire, por lo tanto quitaremos un puntito de aire.. muy levemente iremos girando el tornillo del aire a la inversa e iremos acelerando hasta que la moto baje bien de rpm.


La aguja del carburador la encontrares en la guillotina del carburador. Abre la tapa que hay en la parte superior y sacarás un muelle con una guillotina, y abajo hay una aguja.

La aguja lleva un circlip pequeñito que es lo que determina que entre más o menos gasolina al chiclé.

Normalmente suelen llevar 3 posiciones:
  • Arriba : Poca gasolina
  • Centro: Normal, ni poca ni mucha.
  • Abajo: Más gasolina.
Dependiendo del chiclé que lleves, se sube o se baja, yo recomiendo que si llevas el chiclé de serie lo dejes en medio, pero ya si quieres modificar comportamiento para obtener más o menos gasolina modifica las posiciones.

Cómo saber si le sobra o le falta gasolina

Es un método muy simple, tan solo hay que sacar la bugía y mirar el color de la rosca.

Se distinguen así

Bien carburada : color gris de la bujia

Poca gasolina: blanquecina

Demasiada gasolina: negra con grasa

NOTA: Aconsejo carburar la moto en día de sol, tampoco que achicharre, ni que llueva. Un día normal.



miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Rolex Daytona Hystory By Astrario

Rolex Daytona Hystory


Il Rolex Cosmograph, usualmente denominato “Daytona”, negli anni ha avuto un successo assolutamente unico divenendo un vero e proprio mito che continua a perpetuarsi anche quando un nuovo modello va a sostituire il precedente. Una delle tante leggende riguardanti il Daytona vuole che il “boom” di questo orologio sia nato in Italia verso il 1985 quando una rivista pubblicò la fotografia di un noto industriale torinese con il braccio appoggiato all’albero di una barca e al polso il classico “6263” con quadrante chiaro.


Con questo orologio si sviluppa, per quel che riguarda la Rolex, un nuovo e più moderno concetto di quadrante: prima del suo arrivo esso era, per i cronografi, un elemento puramente funzionale per la lettura delle informazioni che l’orologio era in grado di dare; era pertanto letteralmente riempito di numeri e di linee, nonché delle necessarie informazioni sul costruttore e sulla natura di cronografo. Lo spazio libero era molto ridotto e questo rendeva più difficile la lettura delle informazioni e faceva sì che i colori del quadrante non avessero la possibilità di staccare dall’insieme.

Tutto questo accadeva perché nei crono si cercava esclusivamente la capacità di svolgere le funzioni tecniche
previste, visto che non erano comunque orologi destinati ad un uso quotidiano, così che la loro impermeabilità era di solito inferiore a quella degli altri modelli contemporanei meno costosi.


Il Cosmograph pertanto rappresenta una vera rivoluzione concettuale ispirata all’idea di considerare il quadrante come il vero centro estetico dell’orologio, liberandolo da tutto ciò che non era strettamente necessario, trovando anche una collocazione nuova alla scala tachimetrica che esce dal quadrante e va a collocarsi sulla lunetta esterna; quest’ultima scala, all’inizio, era posizionata al centro del quadrante oppure alla periferia, in coabitazione con quella telemetria, il che rendeva spesso difficile distinguerle rapidamente.

Per capire meglio questo passaggio dai “Crono classici” al Cosmograph, è necessario spendere due parole sul cosiddetto “pre-Daytona”, ovvero sia il 6238. Questo “antenato” del Daytona viene introdotto
nel 1962 e prodotto fino al 1967; nel 1963 inizia la produzione del primo Cosmograph con
referenza 6239 che ha finalmente la lunetta con scala tachimetrica incisa e i contatori di colore
diverso da quello del quadrante principale. Si ricava in definitiva un look “piacevolmente
aggressivo” anche perché il diverso colore dei contatori fa a sua volta risaltare maggiormente il
quadrante che appare incredibilmente semplice e “pulito”, il che permette anche di apprezzare
maggiormente i riflessi nei quadranti lucidi edanchenla morbida finitura opaca dei quadranti scuri; a quest’ ultimo inoltre si affianca la referenza 6241 con ghiera in plastica nera.

Queste informazioni sono comunque da prendere con buonsenso poiché, nel verificare un orologio, è meglio soffermarsi più sull’autenticità di cassa, fondello, quadrante e macchina piuttosto che sul colore dei contatori o sul fatto che la lunetta a scala tachimetrica colorata con vernice rossa anziché nera.

Infatti, in molti casi, i quadranti e le lunette sono stati sostituiti nel corso degli anni sia per la necessità dovuta a danneggiamento, sia per volontà del proprietario; un esempio significativo di questo fenomeno lo abbiamo nel mercato nord-americano all’arrivo del 6239.

Succedeva infatti che i rivenditori consegnassero molti “pre-Daytona” con la lunetta e il quadrante del 6239 su richiesta dei loro clienti che, non trovando immediatamente disponibile il nuovo modello, facevano “aggiornare” il vecchio con il solo risultato di avere, agli occhi dei collezionisti di oggi, un “ibrido” da riportare al più presto nella condizione originale.

La scritta “Daytona” sul quadrante, prevista all’inizio per il solo mercato di lingua inglese,appare già su una pubblicità Rolex risalente al 1964, cioè in pratica fin dall’inizio della produzione.

La controprova della prima affermazione è data dall’arrivo sul mercato, all’inizio degli anni ’70, delle due rare referenze 6262 e 6264 (entrambe con tasti a pompa) che saranno rispettivamente prodotte per un solo anno (1970) e per tre anni (1970-72). Queste due nuove referenze erano state introdotte per evidenziare la nuova macchina che le equipaggiava e cioè il nuovo calibro 727 da 19.800 alternanze/ora, più accurato e preciso della vecchia coppia 72B/722 che avevano i precedenti modelli.
La presenza contemporanea sul mercato di molte referenze a cavallo del 1970, ci conferma indirettamente che la Rolex probabilmente non aveva ancora deciso che strada prendere a proposito dei tasti, cioè se continuare con quelli “classici” o se prendere invece la via innovativa dei tasti a vite.

Tutte queste referenze hanno in seguito creato involontariamente un problema molto sentito dagli attuali collezionisti di Cosmograph: è la questione dei fondelli con inciso un numero di referenza diverso da quello sulla cassa. Si può stimare che circa il 50% dei Cosmograph ne sia coinvolto e i casi di discrepanza possono essere:

1. fondelli perfettamente originali che recano, ad esempio, soltanto la sigla “C.R.S.”(indicativa del fabbricante  o fornitore della maison) e le altre normali scritte senza avere però la referenza del modello;
2. fondelli con doppia referenza;
3. fondelli con referenza diversa da quella della cassa, come abbiamo accennato in
Si può ipotizzare che al momento dell’assemblaggio dell’orologio la procedura per l’identificazione del fondello nei Cosmograph fosse la seguente:

1. montaggio di un fondello con numero uguale a quello della cassa
2. se non disponibile, montaggio di un numero diverso ma congruente, vale a dire diuna referenza diversa, ma con lo stesso tipo di lunetta come spesso si può reperire ogi
3. se non disponibili:
a. sovrascrittura (es. 6264 sovrascritto 6263 con cassa 6263).
b. montaggio di fondello “anonimo”.
c. montaggio di un fondello qualsiasi.
Considerando che i fondelli “sbagliati” sono quasi sempre riconducibili ad una logica di
produzione, e vista anche l’ampiezza del fenomeno, l’unica valida preoccupazione in questo
campo deve essere l’originalità del fondello che, in caso di dubbio, si può risolvere con un
controllo presso un rivenditore ufficiale.
La denominazione del quadrante “Paul Newman” è assolutamente non ufficiale; per la casa
non avevano nessun nome in particolare perciò anche gli altri termini utilizzati (“exotic”,
“tropicale” ecc.) sono da attribuire esclusivamente ai collezionisti. Questo particolare
appellativo nasce dal fatto che, secondo la leggenda più accreditata, l’attore indossava in
un suo film del 1970 (“La carrera mexicana”) un 6239 in acciaio con questo quadrante.
Per un lungo periodo di tempo una parte dei compratori non faceva follie per questo
modello, ma dalla seconda metà degli anni ’80, questo quadrante era già entrato
nell’immaginario collettivo degli appassionati Rolex a tal punto che nel 1990, in un listino
prezzi americano dell’usato, il cosmograph Newman era stimato ad un valore circa doppio
dello stesso modello con quadrante standard. Il quadrante Newman accompagna il
Cosmograph praticamente per tutto il periodo di produzione dell’orologio (1963-1978): con
ogni probabilità questi quadranti erano in origine destinati principalmente al mercato del
continente americano.
Se consideriamo il numero ridotto di quadranti Newman originali oggi reperibili rispetto aglialtri, possiamo facilmente dedurre che la loro produzione doveva essere molto inferiore a Storia del Rolex Daytona quella dei quadranti standard. Ciò può essere spiegato con la maggior difficoltà di
realizzazione dovuta a diversi fattori:

1. presenza dello scalino realizzato fra il piano del quadrante principale e la corona
circolare esterna che ospita la scala del quinto di secondo cronografico;
2. i quadratini ausiliari dei contatori realizzati per spiralatura anziché per normale
fresatura come nei quadratini standard dei Cosmograph, che oltretutto avevano un
solo angolo retto fra il piano del quadrante e quello dei contatori anziché due come il
Paul Newman;
3. stampa del quadrante più complessa per la necessità del contrasto cromatico fra le
tre zone.In mancanza di dati ufficiali di produzione si può soltanto provare a fare
una stima sul numero complessivo di orologi prodotti all’origine con questo
quadrante; voci “semi-ufficiali” parlano di soli 200 orologi, numero che potrebbe al
più essere plausibile per i quadranti con la scritta “Oyster” (per modelli con tasti a
vite), decisamente rari rispetto agli altri, tanto che ancora oggi alcuni “esperti”,
seguendo la ben poco cartesiana logica del “non l’ho mai visto quindi non esiste”,
negano che la maison li abbia mai fabbricati.
Partendo invece dalla produzione dei 6238 (circa 3.600 in 7 anni, vale a dire circa 500
esemplari all’anno), tenendo conto che la produzione Rolex annuale è cresciuta del 100%
circa negli anni 60, possiamo stimare la quantità complessiva di Cosmograph con tasti a
pompa in 10.000 esemplari da ripartire fra il 1963 ed il 1972; da questo valore possiamo
ricavare il numero esatto di Paul Newman valutando che il rapporto con quelli standard sia
1:10. Otteniamo pertanto un valore finale stimato di circa 1.000 unità per le referenze con
tasti a pompa.
Per quanto riguarda i modelli con i tasti a vite, vale a dire 6263 e 6265 (più il già citato
6240), anche se la produzione annuale del Cosmograph era sicuramente cresciuta rispetto
al decennio precedente, la ridotta reperibilità rispetto agli altri fa ritenere plausibile un
rapporto di 1:4, il che significa circa 250 Paul Newman per ognuna delle tre referenze sopra
Nel 1971 inizia la produzione della versione finale del Cosmograph a carica manuale: sono
le referenze 6263 e 6265 con tasti a vite e macchina 727 che saranno reperibili sul mercato
fino al 1987 circa; il fatto che la produzione in fabbrica sia terminata nel 1978 ma che gli
esemplari più recenti abbiano casse con numero superiore a 9 cifre (vale a dire 1986 o
1987) si può spiegare col fatto che le casse venivano numerate solo nel momento in cui
l’orologio entrava nel circuito di distribuzione.
Come noto, l’unica differenza tra queste due referenze è la lunetta (in plastica nera per il
6263, in acciaio per il 6265): la referenza di base doveva essere il 6263, visto che molti
6265 fra i più recenti come numero di cassa hanno il fondello marcato 6263; la macchina
che li equipaggia non ha avuto sostanziali modifiche tranne:
1. Il ponte della ruota di centro negli esemplari più recenti può essere privo della
scritta “FAB SUISSE – SWISS MADE”; anche in questo caso si può comunque
verificare l’originalità del pezzo controllando se lo stesso è stato portato a standard
di lavorazione Rolex (vale a dire se le satinature, gli spigoli ecc. rispondono ai criteri
di modifica che la Maison apportava ai pezzi “grezzi” di provenienza Valjoux).
2. Gli esemplari in oro (soprattutto quelli più recenti) hanno il meccanismo portato a
standard di cronometro.
3. L’impermeabilità passa dai 165 piedi della prima sottoserie ai 330 della seconda,
anche se è consigliabile fare la verifica in mare.
Per quanto riguarda i quadranti non ci sono novità rilevanti rispetto alle referenze già
esaminate, vale a dire che nell’acciaio i quadranti sono neri (o raramente marroni) mentre
nell’oro sono neri o champagne.
La maggior parte dei quadranti reca la scritta “Daytona”, ma nel verificare un quadrante è
opportuno soffermarsi più sull’autenticità delle varie scritte (tipo di caratteri e di vernice
utilizzati, altezza delle lettere rispetto al piano, ecc.) che non ad esempio sulla serie della
parola “Daytona”; secondo un’altra leggenda metropolitana infatti, i Cosmograph
6263/6265 forniti negli anni 80 all’aviazione peruviana “devono” essere privi della parola
“Daytona” sul quadrante: non c’è alcun dubbio che la maggior parte ne sia sprovvista, ma
nel verificare l’appartenenza di un esemplare a questa fornitura ci sono sicuramente altri
Storia del Rolex Daytona parametri molto più importanti della presenza o meno di questa parola sui quali

Anche la referenza 6269 prodotta in pochiesemplari negli anni ’80 è caratterizzata dal fatto

di avere cassa in oro 18 Kt, quadrante e lunettacon brillanti, indici in zaffiro.

Il 1987 segna l’uscita di scena dei Cosmographmanuali e il contemporaneo arrivo della prima
referenza di cronografo Rolex con vetro zaffiroanziché plexiglass: è il celeberrimo modello con
carica automatica e referenza di base 16520(acciaio). La macchina che lo equipaggia è il
calibro Rolex 4030 derivato dallo Zenith ElPrimero 400, ma con un tale numero di modifiche
e miglioramenti che lo rendono di fatto un calibroa sé stante.

Questo modello è particolarmente significativo per il mondo dell’orologeria non tanto per
per il successo che ha avuto in tutto il mondo (peraltro unico), ma piuttosto perché ha
permesso che il collezionismo degli orologi facesse il salto di qualità, facendo nascere e
crescere l’interesse anche per i modelli del passato in un numerosi persone che da allora ha

continuato a salire.
Il look del Daytona automatico deve essere stato, al suo arrivo, un shock per un pubblico
abituato ai cronografi concepiti per essere il meno appariscenti possibile; questo orologio
sviluppa ed evolve i criteri estetici a cui si era ispirato il suo predecessore manuale, vale a
dire quelli di un orologio nato non solo per essere portato, ma soprattutto da mostrare agli
altri, immediatamente riconoscibile e “desiderabile” per chi non lo possiede.
A posteriori, dobbiamo dunque fare i complimentiallo staff tecnico che lo ha progettato poiché ha
creato, forse in modo consapevole, un vero“status-symbol”.

Ultimo della famiglia Daytona, non il menoambito, il rolex con referenza 116520 per la
versione acciaio, 116523 per l’acciaio e oro,116518 per la versione oro giallo con cinturino in
pelle, 116519 per la versione in oro biancocinturino in pelle, 116528 per quello in oro giallo
con bracciale in oro, e ultimissimo la referenza116529 per l’oro bianco con bracciale in oro. In
questi modelli la Rolex monta un calibro di suaproduzione, il 4130. Penso che l’immagine dei
Daytona moderni parli da sola e per ora non ci soffermeremo a descrivere i modelli di
recente produzione della maison svizzera, ne ad elogiarne la figura, cosa che il mercato del
collezionismo sta gia facendo da anni. Rimane ilfatto che quando si pensa ad un crono oggi, si
pensa al Daytona, e sicuramente il mercatomondiale degli orologi di questa tipologia ne e influenzato. Onore a Rolex, un altra volta…

Podeis comprar replica rolex daytona aqui : www.replicarolex.tk




The Rolex Guide 2014.

The Rolex Guide 2014 is not affiliated with Rolex or Rolex USA.

No Part of The Rolex Guide may be reproduced or resold without the authors permission

No Part of The Rolex Guide 2014 may be reproduced or resold without the authors permission


Genuine brand watches can cost anything from £500.00 to £100,000.00, as most people cannot afford the real thing a much cheaper alternative is to buy a replica.
Replica watches are, quite simply, imitations of the more expensive brand named watches, at a mere fraction of the price. These imitations have the same general look, feel and ability, at a much more acceptable price.
The quality of a replica can vary depending on the cost. A £20.00 replica would obviously be of a far better quality than a replica costing £400.00 and much easier to identify.
This guide is mainly based on Rolex wrist watches as they carry the largest number of replicas in the market place. Some Omega examples are also included.
This guide will show you how to avoid the replicas, as it states this is a guide and should be used for that purpose only. If you are unsure of a watches authenticity then don’t buy it.
The only way to be 100% sure its not a replica is to be direct from a Rolex dealer.

In order to consider purchasing a Rolex watch I would recommend that it MUST have accompanying paperwork and a matching box. If the watch does not have the box and paperwork I would personally not buy it.

The  Box

All watches when purchased come with a box. If you are spending a large amount of money on a watch then you usually keep the box. The box will usually be of a high standard either leather bound or wooden as shown in the below example.
Most expensive watches have an inner better quality box with a cardboard outer box.
Both the inner and outer boxes will usually have a symbol and mark relating to the watch.
Some of the better quality replicas come with box and paperwork, the font quality on the replicas will be of a poor quality and can be worn or blurred.
A watch without its box can lose upto 30% of its value, it is therefore wise for the owner to keep it safe.
If the watch does not have a box then it probably is a fake.
Rolex Wooden Box & Cardboard Outer Box

Paperwork All watches when purchased have paperwork. Where the paperwork refers to reference numbers and models these should be confirmed to match with the physical watch. Paperwork can be in the form of the following:-
A warranty card
This card holds reference numbers and purchase dates. The reference numbers should match the reference found on either the back of the watch or strap. Note that not all watches carry reference numbers.
A Leather/Plastic documents wallet
The wallet holds all the paperwork relating to the watch. It is usually marked with the watchmakers stamp and is in the same colour as the box.
An Operating Instructions Booklet
This contains specific details about the watch such as changing the time and date.
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A Service Centre Booklet
Most top brand watches have a service centre guide which shows you lists of agents throughout the world.
A Receipt
This will show when and where the watch was purchased; also it will show you exactly how much was paid for the watch.
A Seal (Rolex)
All Rolex watches carry a Red Seal. Note the bright coloured cotton and frayed ends on the replica. On some occasions a green seal is also attached.



The Origin A Swiss based company would not sell a watch that is made in Indonesia, so if you notice that the watch's origin doesn't match the origin of the company, then the chances are the watch is a fake.
The Band The edge on a genuine watch will have a smooth edge; this is because the band was made out of three pieces of metal. One rolled piece with two outer edges. With most cheap watches each link is made of a single piece of metal, which is rolled to create the link. This is easy spotted as the edge of each link is rolled like a “Swiss Role” and has a poor quality finish.

The Bezel The Bezel if moved should line up exactly with the minute markers on the dial. On a genuine both markers will line up perfect.

The Second Hand All Rolex watches will have a sweeping second hand. If the second hand “tick tocks” then it is definitely a copy. The Rolex second hand should reach the second markers, if it is short by 2-3mm then it is a replica, the illuminated circle on the second hand should hit the top of the 12 o’clock triangle exactly. On most replica watches when the stem is pulled out, the second hand continues to move. On a genuine watch the second hand should stop once the stem is pulled out.

Minute Hand Genuine Rolex Yacht-Master models feature a "minute" hand, which is considerably thicker than those on other Rolex sports models. However, to save money, counterfeiters will often use the same hands found on the Submariner. This can be easily identified when viewed side-by-side (as shown in the example below).

Daytona Hands Counterfeiters will often use hands which are of the wrong size and/or shape. In the example shown below, the genuine Daytona features a "minute" hand which reaches all the way to the outer "hash" marks. However, the counterfeit model shown features much shorter hands. This is often the case because counterfeiters use whatever stock of parts they have available, which is usually whatever is the cheapest.
You will also note that the "shape" of the hands on the counterfeit is incorrect. modern Daytona models feature hands which are "rounded" on the tips. Again, counterfeiters will often use whatever hands they have available, and in this case they have used hands from a Day-Date model, which are flat on the tip.


Daytona Registers
Genuine Rolex Daytona models feature mini-registers on the dial which perform Chronograph "stop watch" functions (i.e. elapsed hours and minutes). It is also worth mentioning that the large "sweep" hand on the dial is also part of the stop watch function, and is not the primary second hand-- the second hand for the watch is the small 20/40/60 register.
However, counterfeit models will rarely perform these functions, but rather will be used for "day of week", "date", and "24-hour time". (Please Note: not all counterfeit models will be "printed" with these incorrect functions, but their operations will still be incorrect.)
Furthermore, the size and position of these mini registers will often be incorrect on counterfeits. As shown in the example below, the counterfeit model features much smaller registers which are positioned too far inward on the dial, while the genuine Daytona features registers which are positioned much farther outward--almost touching the 3-6-9 hour markers.


The Crystal Glass/ Micro Etched Crystal Brand new for 2002, Rolex has started micro-etching a tiny "coronet" (or crown) logo into the crystal, at the 6 o'clock position. This mark is quite small, so it is difficult to see with the naked eye. However, when viewed under a loupe, the faint outline can be distinguished, as seen in the examples below.


Please Note: Rolex has just started phasing-in this micro-etching process and, to date, not all models have the etching. It is believed that the etching should appear on most (if not all) new models produced by the end of 2003, or early 2004.

You will notice that the fake etching is "similar" to that in the genuine example, the biggest difference being that the "balls" on the tips of the fake are too small. The etching also is not precise.

Case Reference Number

Probably the most accurate way to identify a genuine/counterfeit Rolex watch is by locating the Serial and Case Reference Numbers. These special identification numbers are engraved on the side of the case, located between the lugs (as shown in the below example). These reference numbers should match with the paperwork supplied with the watch.
As you can see in the examples below, the engraving between the lugs of a genuine Rolex feature very fine lines, which actually catch the light similar to that of a diamond cut edge. However, (some) counterfeits will feature a sandy (acid) etched appearance, as seen in the example below. Furthermore, the spacing on these numbers is often too close together. It is worth mentioning that counterfeiters frequently use the SAME numbers on their watches. Thus, the example shown above: "R863698" is seen quite often, and is a pretty good sign of a fake.

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A Brief Explanation of the Rolex Serial Numbering System
In 1927, Rolex began issuing every Rolex Oyster case a unique serial number to distinguish them from one another. Around 1953, the numbers reached the 999,999 mark, at which time Rolex decided against adding a 7th digit, thus continuing into the "millions"--Instead, they started the sequence aver at 100,001.
Around this ame time, Rolex had initiated another dating system--They stamped the inside of the case back with a code consisting of a Roman numeral and two numbers. The Roman numerals were I, II, III, IV, which represented which quarter of the year the watch was produced. The numbers simply represented the two-digit year in which the watch was produced. Therefore, the code III 53 would represent the 3rd quarter (i.e. July-September) of 1953--this code continued until around 1970.
In the early 1960s, Rolex once again reached the 999,999 mark, but this time added a 7th digit and continued until mid 1987, when the numbering reached 9,999,999. At this time, Rolex elected to start numbering with a letter prefix (e.g. R000001).
The system started with the letter "R", which was then subsequently followed by L-E-X. Thus spelling out the word "ROLEX" with the "O" being omitted, to help avert any possible confusion with the number "0". This sequence continued through November 1991, when a new numbering system was introduced utilizing the letters N, C and S, which took them through 1993. In 1994, Rolex started yet another sequence with the letters: W, T and U, then A, P, and K in subsequent years.
To add to the confusion, many of these prefixes have run concurrently over the past few years, giving the appearance of a random numbering system. Therefore, only Rolex knows exactly when any particular watch was made and they aren't talking.
The following list is comprised of known serial numbers for the years listed. By checking a particular serial number against this list you should be able to date a watch with reasonable accuracy. However, it is no guarantee as to when your watch was shipped from the factory.
Click below or enter the below address into your Internet Search Bar.
www.iq-enterprises.com/pages/serial_number.htm The Rolex Guide 2004.
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The Font. The fonts used for the numbers should align exactly with the second hand as it passes over them. The numbers in the date bubble should be exactly in the centre of the magnified Cyclops. On virtually all replicas the date will either be high or low in the date window.
Genuine Replica
The Number 4. On a genuine Rolex the inside of the number 4 will be formed of 4 small edges. If you look closely at the number 4 and see four distinct edges you are looking at a replica.
Genuine Replica
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The Date Bubble/Cyclops The Cyclops on a genuine Rolex watch will be magnified by 2.5. A replica will have either no magnification or a very small amount of magnification. On a genuine the date should practically fill up the Cyclops. The Cyclops will also have a sharp edge where the Cyclops meets the crystal. This is hard to see with the naked eye but can be felt quite easily by running your fingers around the Cyclops.
Genuine Replica
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The Crown/Winder The crown on an expensive watch such as a Rolex will be made out of a single piece of metal. On a fake watch the logo that is placed on the crown is glued on after the watch is made. The small glued seem can be seen when using an eyeglass. The crown will also have three small dots or a line as shown in the picture.
Genuine Replica
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Rolex models featuring the Triplock crown (i.e. Submariner, Sea-Dweller and Daytona) utilize an extra seal within the threads of the winding crown's tube. This gasket resembles a black o-ring and can be visible when the winding crown is unscrewed fully. As shown in the example above, (most) counterfeit models will not feature this o-ring seal, but rather will have basic screw-down threads. It is worth mentioning that some new counterfeits will feature a "similar" looking rubber seal, but upon closer examination you will see that it is merely cosmetic, and is not functional.
Genuine Replica The Rolex Guide 2004.
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The Pins The pins holding the strap to the watch on a genuine will be threaded. If you look through an eyeglass at the end of the pin you should see a small slot for a fine flat head screwdriver.
Genuine Replica
Logo The band on a genuine Rolex will always have the Rolex logo. The absence of this logo is a dead give away the watch band is a replica. Genuine Replica
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The Case Back An authentic Rolex will have a screw down back with exactly 144 small teeth. You can only open a Rolex case with a special Rolex tool.
Reference Numbers will be etched in the positions as indicated above by a red circle. If you see no reference numbers then the watch is a fake.
To date Rolex have never made a watch with a clear or see through back. This is also known as a skeleton back which allows you to view the movement. These clear back watches are a common Rolex fake.
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Rolex watches do not have engraved backs. Genuine Rolex watches will have either a smooth case back or a smooth case back with a hologram showing a reference number.
Holograms This usually is found on the reverse of the watch. Genuine Rolex watches are shipped direct from the factory with a hologram showing the makers stamp or symbol and then a model reference number. On a fake watch the number is written on after the Hologram is created. As the numbers are placed on after the hologram is produced you often see on the replicas numbers have worn away.
Genuine Replica
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This sticker features the trademarked Rolex "crown" positioned above the watch's case reference number. The hologram can be easily identified by viewing it from different angles, thus causing the background pattern to change.
However, "most" counterfeit stickers are not holograms at all, but rather simply a repetitious "Rolex" pattern, which does not change in appearance when viewed from different angles.
Even if the watch has an authentic hologram you should still be cautious as holograms are available to purchase over the internet.
It is worth mentioning that the genuine Rolex hologram stickers did not feature the "crown logo" as a part of the hologram until (around) 2002, when the sticker was redesigned. At that time, the Reference number was also changed from gold lettering to black, as it is currently.
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Text All text found on either the watch or box should be crisp and clear. Replica items will never have the same quality as the original.
See in the below example how the font is completely wrong on the replica. Note the extra thickness of the words Rolex and also the pin prick holes in the crown.
The lines of the crown are also not crisp.
Genuine Replica
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For your information the below table shows where the better quality replicas are produced and how good the replica is.
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The president is made of three rows of gold links and includes both a day of the week and a date window function with a 2.5 times Cyclops except the ladies model which only have a date window. The President is available in 18ct Gold, 18ct two tone gold, and Platinum. A Super President is available which has a Diamond set bezel and band. Approx: £3000.00 to £10,000.00.
The Datejust is the best known model of Rolex watch and was introduced in 1945. When the name Rolex is mentioned this is the model most people immediately envision. The Datejust comes in a variety of dial and bezel options including Diamond set. The Datejust is 36mm with a 2.5 Cyclops magnifier with a sapphire scratch proof crystal dial. It comes in stainless steel, two tone stainless steel and in 18ct gold. Approx: £3000.00 (Stainless) to £10,000.00 (Diamond).
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Air King
The Air King is a very basic design as far as Rolex watches go. The Air King is sleek with clean elegant lines. It is 34mm, is available in only stainless steel. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00
Oyster Quartz
The Oyster quartz is a rare Rolex with, as the name suggests, quartz movement that requires a battery. The Oyster quartz is available in stainless steel with Diamond bezel optional. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00
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Explorer I & II
The explorer was introduced in 1954 and is made of all stainless steel. It has a 36mm case. Later the explorer II was produced, the explorer II had a fourth hand which enabled the owner to keep track of a second time zone. The dial has the date window and a 2.5 Cyclops. It comes with a black or white dial. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00.
The Submariner is one of the most popular models of Rolex. It comes available in four styles; stainless steel, two tone stainless steel and 18ct gold. As the name suggests the Submariner is a favourite diving watch. It is 40mm and comes with or without the date window. Approx: £1500.00 to £10000.00 (Gold)
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Yacht Master
The Yacht Master comes in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It has a date window with a 2.5 Cyclops date magnifier. The gold model has a rotating Platinum bezel. The watch was designed for men or women. Approx: £4500.00 to £10000.00
GMT Master
The GMT Master has the ability to track two different time zones at the same time. It has a rotating bezel and 2.5 Cyclops. It is available in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It can have a blue, red or black bezel. Approx: £4500.00 to £10000.00
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The Daytona is a distinctive and highly desirable watch. The Daytona is a true chronometer with stopwatch and split time capabilities. The bezel of the Daytona is engraved with hourly speed markings that enhance the chronometer functions of the watch. The Daytona chronometer buttons screw into the bezel. It is available in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It can come with either a leather or 18ct white gold band. Approx: £5500.00 to £10,000.00.
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As with most branded watches Omega also has a large following of replica fakes. As with Rolex, Omega is a branded quality watch and should therefore carry a high standard of workmanship. The attention to detail should be perfect.
All Omega’s come in a fancy inner box and cardboard outer box. As with Rolex, Omega watches also can have fake box’s and paperwork.
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The replica companies sometimes completely mix up names and features from completely different models, occasionally making up very odd or nonsensical watches.
The below Omega Seamaster has many problems. At first glance it looks fine but the face of the watch for this particular model should have two extra dials. You can see we have the buttons for the dials but no dials. The date within the Cyclops bubble is not aligned correctly. The bezel of the whole watch does not align up with hands. Omega Seamaster
The below watch is Speedmaster Chronograph except once again this watch has no dials or buttons. The wording on the dial mentions Seamaster but the watch is a Chronograph. Omega Chronograph
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Below is the Omega Seamaster Pro James Bond Watch. It has a GMT hand, which tells the time in more than one occasion. This watch is not supposed to have this feature. On the fake watch below it does not even move. The watch itself is labelled with the name Ocean Master. Omega does not produce this model. Omega Seamaster James Bond Pro
The Omega Speedmaster below is a scramble of watch bits. The bracelet, case and hands are Speedmaster style. Extra GMT hand like off of a Flight master. Diver's rating and second hand of a Seamaster Professional. The most obvious is the Omega name on an applied plate.
Omega Speedmaster
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A common giveaway on fakes Omega watches is that the main part of their watch casings (excluding the bezel, crystal, and back) are often noticeably thicker than the real thing. The fakes can be as much as twice as thick and the real models they are trying to resemble. Also notice that because the cases are so much thicker, that the lugs that hold the bracelet or strap have to curve much more than on the real ones to compensate for the added thickness.
Original Replica
Another major characteristic of authentic watches is extreme attention to detail. Genuine Swiss watches don't leave obvious gaps, crowd or otherwise poorly space or centre dial markings, have useless or non-working buttons or markings, or forget to include required labelling.
Omega Seamaster with the display back showing the watch is half hollow
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Quick giveaway that the above is a fake: it doesn't say "Swiss Made" on the dial. Also notice the same scales are inanely duplicated on the dial and the inner bezel.
The below link is an excellent resource for viewing replica Omega watches.
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Omega Constellation
Generally considered to be Omega's flagship line. Starting in the 1990's, the Constellation line adopted the highly contemporary look originated by the Constellation "Manhattan" in the 1980's and is now Omega's "style flagship" line.
Omega DeVille
Omega’s traditional dress watch line. After the Constellation series changed focus to a style flagship line, the DeVille series has become the horology flagship line.
The current DeVille line is divided into several series: the DeVille Coaxial, DeVille Prestige, DeVille Symbol and DeVille Classic. Of these, the Coaxial is the newest, featuring the Daniel's Coaxial Escapement--the most significant advancement in mechanical wristwatch technology in many decades.
The remaining series of DeVille models mostly use the same movements used across most OMEGA model lines. The differentiation between these DeVille series are the case and bracelet styles. The "Symbol" derived its name from the first models in this design bearing art symbols--such as the oriental Yin-Yang--on their dials.
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Very few watches in this series bear the DeVille name on their dials. The DeVille line keeps to very clean, classic designs. So
dial labelling is normally kept to an absolute minimum of one or two lines of descriptive text. The DeVille Coaxial Limited Edition is the one notable exception. OMEGA broke from their normal tasteful conservatism by issuing the initial coaxial models with its dial cluttered with four lines of descriptive text, including one over the OMEGA logo and name.
Omega Speedmaster
Originated in the late 1950's, the Speedmaster line of chronograph watches was catapulted to fame by their selection by NASA for use in manned space missions starting in the 1960's. The Speedmaster "Moon Watch" is the best known and most enduring OMEGA model. The Rolex Guide 2004.
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Omega Seamaster

Originating in 1948, the Seamaster series now represents two distinct of high water resistant watches. The Seamaster 120 line continues the classic dress-style. The Seamaster Professional series is a bolder, more rugged, professional grade diving watch.
Omega Dynamic
A special line that OMEGA uses to introduce alternative styles. The latest Dynamic models are the fourth series issued under the Dynamic name, and were produced from 1998-2000. This release features two models reviving the style of some of OMEGA's 1940's military watch designs. Generally considered by OMEGA collectors to be greatly overlooked by the watch buying public and one of the best values in new and near-new used OMEGA watches currently available.
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There are many sources available to you for finding out information about watches. The largest being the Internet. I would advice before purchasing a watch take the time to study watches in jeweller’s. Pick up as many brochures as possible and have a close look at some of the watches available, try them on and get a feel for the originals. The jeweller won’t mind if he thinks he is getting a sale. Study the prices of old and new models, make notes and ask questions!
The best link I have found on the Internet is shown below. It gives retail and second hand prices. http://www .. .http://www.replicasreloj.tk/
An excellent source to view the latest replica watches is shown below. This site gives excellent quality close up pictures of copies and replicas.
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• www.rolex.com
• www.ebay.com
• http://www.replicalover.com/
• www.replicacentre.com
• http://chronocentric.com/galleries/
• http://www.replicacenter.com/index.html
• http://www.perfectswiss.com/
• http://www.goreplicas.com/
• http://www.planet4watches.com/
• http://www.blitzwatches.co.uk/
• http://www.antiquewatchcouk.com/LINKS.htm
• http://www.finestwatches.co.uk/
• http://www.watchfinder.co.uk/
• http://www.replicalover.com/

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The Rolex Guide 2004.
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Genuine brand watches can cost anything from £500.00 to £100,000.00, as most people cannot afford the real thing a much cheaper alternative is to buy a replica.
Replica watches are, quite simply, imitations of the more expensive brand named watches, at a mere fraction of the price. These imitations have the same general look, feel and ability, at a much more acceptable price.
The quality of a replica can vary depending on the cost. A £20.00 replica would obviously be of a far better quality than a replica costing £400.00 and much easier to identify.
This guide is mainly based on Rolex wrist watches as they carry the largest number of replicas in the market place. Some Omega examples are also included.
This guide will show you how to avoid the replicas, as it states this is a guide and should be used for that purpose only. If you are unsure of a watches authenticity then don’t buy it. The only way to be 110% sure its not a replica is to be direct from a Rolex dealer.
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• REQUIREMENTS The Box Paperwork
• REPLICA SPOTTING The Origin The Band The Bezel The Second Hand Minute Hand Daytona Registers Micro Etched Crystal Case Reference Numbers Rolex Serial Numbers The Font The No4 The Cyclops/Date Bubble
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INDEX (Continued)
• REPLICA SPOTTING The Crown Winder The Pin The Logo The Case Back The Hologram Text
• ROLEX MODELS President Datejust Oyster Perpetual Air-King Oyster Quartz Explorer I Explorer II Submariner Yacht Master GMT Master Daytona Master Piece
In order to consider purchasing a Rolex watch I would recommend that it MUST have accompanying paperwork and a matching box. If the watch does not have the box and paperwork I would personally not buy it.
Box & Paperwork Example
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• Box All watches when purchased come with a box. If you are spending a large amount of money on a watch then you usually keep the box. The box will usually be of a high standard either leather bound or wooden as shown in the below example.
Most expensive watches have an inner better quality box with a cardboard outer box.
Both the inner and outer boxes will usually have a symbol and mark relating to the watch.
Some of the better quality replicas come with box and paperwork, the font quality on the replicas will be of a poor quality and can be worn or blurred.
A watch without its box can lose upto 30% of its value, it is therefore wise for the owner to keep it safe.
If the watch does not have a box then it probably is a fake.
Rolex Wooden Box & Cardboard Outer Box The Rolex Guide 2004.
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• Paperwork All watches when purchased have paperwork. Where the paperwork refers to reference numbers and models these should be confirmed to match with the physical watch. Paperwork can be in the form of the following:-
A warranty card
This card holds reference numbers and purchase dates. The reference numbers should match the reference found on either the back of the watch or strap. Note that not all watches carry reference numbers.
A Leather/Plastic documents wallet
The wallet holds all the paperwork relating to the watch. It is usually marked with the watchmakers stamp and is in the same colour as the box.
An Operating Instructions Booklet
This contains specific details about the watch such as changing the time and date.
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A Service Centre Booklet
Most top brand watches have a service centre guide which shows you lists of agents throughout the world.
A Receipt
This will show when and where the watch was purchased; also it will show you exactly how much was paid for the watch.
A Seal (Rolex)
All Rolex watches carry a Red Seal. Note the bright coloured cotton and frayed ends on the replica. On some occasions a green seal is also attached.
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The Rolex Guide 2004.
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The Origin A Swiss based company would not sell a watch that is made in Indonesia, so if you notice that the watch's origin doesn't match the origin of the company, then the chances are the watch is a fake.
The Band The edge on a genuine watch will have a smooth edge; this is because the band was made out of three pieces of metal. One rolled piece with two outer edges. With most cheap watches each link is made of a single piece of metal, which is rolled to create the link. This is easy spotted as the edge of each link is rolled like a “Swiss Role” and has a poor quality finish.
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The Bezel The Bezel if moved should line up exactly with the minute markers on the dial. On a genuine both markers will line up perfect.
Genuine Replica
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The Second Hand All Rolex watches will have a sweeping second hand. If the second hand “tick tocks” then it is definitely a copy. The Rolex second hand should reach the second markers, if it is short by 2-3mm then it is a replica, the illuminated circle on the second hand should hit the top of the 12 o’clock triangle exactly. On most replica watches when the stem is pulled out, the second hand continues to move. On a genuine watch the second hand should stop once the stem is pulled out.
Genuine Replica
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Minute Hand Genuine Rolex Yacht-Master models feature a "minute" hand, which is considerably thicker than those on other Rolex sports models. However, to save money, counterfeiters will often use the same hands found on the Submariner. This can be easily identified when viewed side-by-side (as shown in the example below).
Genuine Replica
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Daytona Hands Counterfeiters will often use hands which are of the wrong size and/or shape. In the example shown below, the genuine Daytona features a "minute" hand which reaches all the way to the outer "hash" marks. However, the counterfeit model shown features much shorter hands. This is often the case because counterfeiters use whatever stock of parts they have available, which is usually whatever is the cheapest.
You will also note that the "shape" of the hands on the counterfeit is incorrect. modern Daytona models feature hands which are "rounded" on the tips. Again, counterfeiters will often use whatever hands they have available, and in this case they have used hands from a Day-Date model, which are flat on the tip.
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Daytona Registers
Genuine Rolex Daytona models feature mini-registers on the dial which perform Chronograph "stop watch" functions (i.e. elapsed hours and minutes). It is also worth mentioning that the large "sweep" hand on the dial is also part of the stop watch function, and is not the primary second hand-- the second hand for the watch is the small 20/40/60 register.
However, counterfeit models will rarely perform these functions, but rather will be used for "day of week", "date", and "24-hour time". (Please Note: not all counterfeit models will be "printed" with these incorrect functions, but their operations will still be incorrect.)
Furthermore, the size and position of these mini registers will often be incorrect on counterfeits. As shown in the example below, the counterfeit model features much smaller registers which are positioned too far inward on the dial, while the genuine Daytona features registers which are positioned much farther outward--almost touching the 3-6-9 hour markers.
Genuine Replica
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The Crystal Glass/ Micro Etched Crystal Brand new for 2002, Rolex has started micro-etching a tiny "coronet" (or crown) logo into the crystal, at the 6 o'clock position. This mark is quite small, so it is difficult to see with the naked eye. However, when viewed under a loupe, the faint outline can be distinguished, as seen in the examples below.
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Please Note: Rolex has just started phasing-in this micro-etching process and, to date, not all models have the etching. It is believed that the etching should appear on most (if not all) new models produced by the end of 2003, or early 2004.
You will notice that the fake etching is "similar" to that in the genuine example, the biggest difference being that the "balls" on the tips of the fake are too small. The etching also is not precise.
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Case Reference Number
Probably the most accurate way to identify a genuine/counterfeit Rolex watch is by locating the Serial and Case Reference Numbers. These special identification numbers are engraved on the side of the case, located between the lugs (as shown in the below example). These reference numbers should match with the paperwork supplied with the watch.
As you can see in the examples below, the engraving between the lugs of a genuine Rolex feature very fine lines, which actually catch the light similar to that of a diamond cut edge. However, (some) counterfeits will feature a sandy (acid) etched appearance, as seen in the example below. Furthermore, the spacing on these numbers is often too close together. It is worth mentioning that counterfeiters frequently use the SAME numbers on their watches. Thus, the example shown above: "R863698" is seen quite often, and is a pretty good sign of a fake.
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A Brief Explanation of the Rolex Serial Numbering System
In 1927, Rolex began issuing every Rolex Oyster case a unique serial number to distinguish them from one another. Around 1953, the numbers reached the 999,999 mark, at which time Rolex decided against adding a 7th digit, thus continuing into the "millions"--Instead, they started the sequence aver at 100,001.
Around this ame time, Rolex had initiated another dating system--They stamped the inside of the case back with a code consisting of a Roman numeral and two numbers. The Roman numerals were I, II, III, IV, which represented which quarter of the year the watch was produced. The numbers simply represented the two-digit year in which the watch was produced. Therefore, the code III 53 would represent the 3rd quarter (i.e. July-September) of 1953--this code continued until around 1970.
In the early 1960s, Rolex once again reached the 999,999 mark, but this time added a 7th digit and continued until mid 1987, when the numbering reached 9,999,999. At this time, Rolex elected to start numbering with a letter prefix (e.g. R000001).
The system started with the letter "R", which was then subsequently followed by L-E-X. Thus spelling out the word "ROLEX" with the "O" being omitted, to help avert any possible confusion with the number "0". This sequence continued through November 1991, when a new numbering system was introduced utilizing the letters N, C and S, which took them through 1993. In 1994, Rolex started yet another sequence with the letters: W, T and U, then A, P, and K in subsequent years.
To add to the confusion, many of these prefixes have run concurrently over the past few years, giving the appearance of a random numbering system. Therefore, only Rolex knows exactly when any particular watch was made and they aren't talking.
The following list is comprised of known serial numbers for the years listed. By checking a particular serial number against this list you should be able to date a watch with reasonable accuracy. However, it is no guarantee as to when your watch was shipped from the factory.
Click below or enter the below address into your Internet Search Bar.
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The Font. The fonts used for the numbers should align exactly with the second hand as it passes over them. The numbers in the date bubble should be exactly in the centre of the magnified Cyclops. On virtually all replicas the date will either be high or low in the date window.
Genuine Replica
The Number 4. On a genuine Rolex the inside of the number 4 will be formed of 4 small edges. If you look closely at the number 4 and see four distinct edges you are looking at a replica.
Genuine Replica
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The Date Bubble/Cyclops The Cyclops on a genuine Rolex watch will be magnified by 2.5. A replica will have either no magnification or a very small amount of magnification. On a genuine the date should practically fill up the Cyclops. The Cyclops will also have a sharp edge where the Cyclops meets the crystal. This is hard to see with the naked eye but can be felt quite easily by running your fingers around the Cyclops.
Genuine Replica
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The Crown/Winder The crown on an expensive watch such as a Rolex will be made out of a single piece of metal. On a fake watch the logo that is placed on the crown is glued on after the watch is made. The small glued seem can be seen when using an eyeglass. The crown will also have three small dots or a line as shown in the picture.
Genuine Replica
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Rolex models featuring the Triplock crown (i.e. Submariner, Sea-Dweller and Daytona) utilize an extra seal within the threads of the winding crown's tube. This gasket resembles a black o-ring and can be visible when the winding crown is unscrewed fully. As shown in the example above, (most) counterfeit models will not feature this o-ring seal, but rather will have basic screw-down threads. It is worth mentioning that some new counterfeits will feature a "similar" looking rubber seal, but upon closer examination you will see that it is merely cosmetic, and is not functional.
Genuine Replica The Rolex Guide 2004.
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The Pins The pins holding the strap to the watch on a genuine will be threaded. If you look through an eyeglass at the end of the pin you should see a small slot for a fine flat head screwdriver.
Genuine Replica
Logo The band on a genuine Rolex will always have the Rolex logo. The absence of this logo is a dead give away the watch band is a replica. Genuine Replica
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The Case Back An authentic Rolex will have a screw down back with exactly 144 small teeth. You can only open a Rolex case with a special Rolex tool.
Reference Numbers will be etched in the positions as indicated above by a red circle. If you see no reference numbers then the watch is a fake.
To date Rolex have never made a watch with a clear or see through back. This is also known as a skeleton back which allows you to view the movement. These clear back watches are a common Rolex fake.
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Rolex watches do not have engraved backs. Genuine Rolex watches will have either a smooth case back or a smooth case back with a hologram showing a reference number.
Holograms This usually is found on the reverse of the watch. Genuine Rolex watches are shipped direct from the factory with a hologram showing the makers stamp or symbol and then a model reference number. On a fake watch the number is written on after the Hologram is created. As the numbers are placed on after the hologram is produced you often see on the replicas numbers have worn away.
Genuine Replica
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This sticker features the trademarked Rolex "crown" positioned above the watch's case reference number. The hologram can be easily identified by viewing it from different angles, thus causing the background pattern to change.
However, "most" counterfeit stickers are not holograms at all, but rather simply a repetitious "Rolex" pattern, which does not change in appearance when viewed from different angles.
Even if the watch has an authentic hologram you should still be cautious as holograms are available to purchase over the internet.
It is worth mentioning that the genuine Rolex hologram stickers did not feature the "crown logo" as a part of the hologram until (around) 2002, when the sticker was redesigned. At that time, the Reference number was also changed from gold lettering to black, as it is currently.
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Text All text found on either the watch or box should be crisp and clear. Replica items will never have the same quality as the original.
See in the below example how the font is completely wrong on the replica. Note the extra thickness of the words Rolex and also the pin prick holes in the crown.
The lines of the crown are also not crisp.
Genuine Replica
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For your information the below table shows where the better quality replicas are produced and how good the replica is.
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The president is made of three rows of gold links and includes both a day of the week and a date window function with a 2.5 times Cyclops except the ladies model which only have a date window. The President is available in 18ct Gold, 18ct two tone gold, and Platinum. A Super President is available which has a Diamond set bezel and band. Approx: £3000.00 to £10,000.00.
The Datejust is the best known model of Rolex watch and was introduced in 1945. When the name Rolex is mentioned this is the model most people immediately envision. The Datejust comes in a variety of dial and bezel options including Diamond set. The Datejust is 36mm with a 2.5 Cyclops magnifier with a sapphire scratch proof crystal dial. It comes in stainless steel, two tone stainless steel and in 18ct gold. Approx: £3000.00 (Stainless) to £10,000.00 (Diamond).
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Air King
The Air King is a very basic design as far as Rolex watches go. The Air King is sleek with clean elegant lines. It is 34mm, is available in only stainless steel. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00
Oyster Quartz
The Oyster quartz is a rare Rolex with, as the name suggests, quartz movement that requires a battery. The Oyster quartz is available in stainless steel with Diamond bezel optional. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00
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Explorer I & II
The explorer was introduced in 1954 and is made of all stainless steel. It has a 36mm case. Later the explorer II was produced, the explorer II had a fourth hand which enabled the owner to keep track of a second time zone. The dial has the date window and a 2.5 Cyclops. It comes with a black or white dial. Approx: £1500.00 to £5000.00.
The Submariner is one of the most popular models of Rolex. It comes available in four styles; stainless steel, two tone stainless steel and 18ct gold. As the name suggests the Submariner is a favourite diving watch. It is 40mm and comes with or without the date window. Approx: £1500.00 to £10000.00 (Gold)
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Yacht Master
The Yacht Master comes in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It has a date window with a 2.5 Cyclops date magnifier. The gold model has a rotating Platinum bezel. The watch was designed for men or women. Approx: £4500.00 to £10000.00
GMT Master
The GMT Master has the ability to track two different time zones at the same time. It has a rotating bezel and 2.5 Cyclops. It is available in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It can have a blue, red or black bezel. Approx: £4500.00 to £10000.00
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The Daytona is a distinctive and highly desirable watch. The Daytona is a true chronometer with stopwatch and split time capabilities. The bezel of the Daytona is engraved with hourly speed markings that enhance the chronometer functions of the watch. The Daytona chronometer buttons screw into the bezel. It is available in stainless steel and 18ct gold. It can come with either a leather or 18ct white gold band. Approx: £5500.00 to £10,000.00.
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As with most branded watches Omega also has a large following of replica fakes. As with Rolex, Omega is a branded quality watch and should therefore carry a high standard of workmanship. The attention to detail should be perfect.
All Omega’s come in a fancy inner box and cardboard outer box. As with Rolex, Omega watches also can have fake box’s and paperwork.
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The replica companies sometimes completely mix up names and features from completely different models, occasionally making up very odd or nonsensical watches.
The below Omega Seamaster has many problems. At first glance it looks fine but the face of the watch for this particular model should have two extra dials. You can see we have the buttons for the dials but no dials. The date within the Cyclops bubble is not aligned correctly. The bezel of the whole watch does not align up with hands. Omega Seamaster
The below watch is Speedmaster Chronograph except once again this watch has no dials or buttons. The wording on the dial mentions Seamaster but the watch is a Chronograph. Omega Chronograph
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Below is the Omega Seamaster Pro James Bond Watch. It has a GMT hand, which tells the time in more than one occasion. This watch is not supposed to have this feature. On the fake watch below it does not even move. The watch itself is labelled with the name Ocean Master. Omega does not produce this model. Omega Seamaster James Bond Pro
The Omega Speedmaster below is a scramble of watch bits. The bracelet, case and hands are Speedmaster style. Extra GMT hand like off of a Flight master. Diver's rating and second hand of a Seamaster Professional. The most obvious is the Omega name on an applied plate.
Omega Speedmaster
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A common giveaway on fakes Omega watches is that the main part of their watch casings (excluding the bezel, crystal, and back) are often noticeably thicker than the real thing. The fakes can be as much as twice as thick and the real models they are trying to resemble. Also notice that because the cases are so much thicker, that the lugs that hold the bracelet or strap have to curve much more than on the real ones to compensate for the added thickness.
Original Replica
Another major characteristic of authentic watches is extreme attention to detail. Genuine Swiss watches don't leave obvious gaps, crowd or otherwise poorly space or centre dial markings, have useless or non-working buttons or markings, or forget to include required labelling.
Omega Seamaster with the display back showing the watch is half hollow
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Quick giveaway that the above is a fake: it doesn't say "Swiss Made" on the dial. Also notice the same scales are inanely duplicated on the dial and the inner bezel.
The below link is an excellent resource for viewing replica Omega watches.
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Omega Constellation
Generally considered to be Omega's flagship line. Starting in the 1990's, the Constellation line adopted the highly contemporary look originated by the Constellation "Manhattan" in the 1980's and is now Omega's "style flagship" line.
Omega DeVille
Omega’s traditional dress watch line. After the Constellation series changed focus to a style flagship line, the DeVille series has become the horology flagship line.
The current DeVille line is divided into several series: the DeVille Coaxial, DeVille Prestige, DeVille Symbol and DeVille Classic. Of these, the Coaxial is the newest, featuring the Daniel's Coaxial Escapement--the most significant advancement in mechanical wristwatch technology in many decades.
The remaining series of DeVille models mostly use the same movements used across most OMEGA model lines. The differentiation between these DeVille series are the case and bracelet styles. The "Symbol" derived its name from the first models in this design bearing art symbols--such as the oriental Yin-Yang--on their dials.
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Very few watches in this series bear the DeVille name on their dials. The DeVille line keeps to very clean, classic designs. So
dial labelling is normally kept to an absolute minimum of one or two lines of descriptive text. The DeVille Coaxial Limited Edition is the one notable exception. OMEGA broke from their normal tasteful conservatism by issuing the initial coaxial models with its dial cluttered with four lines of descriptive text, including one over the OMEGA logo and name.
Omega Speedmaster
Originated in the late 1950's, the Speedmaster line of chronograph watches was catapulted to fame by their selection by NASA for use in manned space missions starting in the 1960's. The Speedmaster "Moon Watch" is the best known and most enduring OMEGA model. The Rolex Guide 2004.
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Omega Seamaster
Originating in 1948, the Seamaster series now represents two distinct of high water resistant watches. The Seamaster 120 line continues the classic dress-style. The Seamaster Professional series is a bolder, more rugged, professional grade diving watch.
Omega Dynamic
A special line that OMEGA uses to introduce alternative styles. The latest Dynamic models are the fourth series issued under the Dynamic name, and were produced from 1998-2000. This release features two models reviving the style of some of OMEGA's 1940's military watch designs. Generally considered by OMEGA collectors to be greatly overlooked by the watch buying public and one of the best values in new and near-new used OMEGA watches currently available.
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There are many sources available to you for finding out information about watches. The largest being the Internet. I would advice before purchasing a watch take the time to study watches in jeweller’s. Pick up as many brochures as possible and have a close look at some of the watches available, try them on and get a feel for the originals. The jeweller won’t mind if he thinks he is getting a sale. Study the prices of old and new models, make notes and ask questions!
The best link I have found on the Internet is shown below. It gives retail and second hand prices. http://www.watchfinder.co.uk/
An excellent source to view the latest replica watches is shown below. This site gives excellent quality close up pictures of copies and replicas.
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• www.rolex.com
• www.ebay.com
• http://www.replicalover.com/
• http://www.replicacentre.com
• http://www.chronocentric.com/galleries/
• http://www.replicacenter.com/index.html
• http://www.perfectswiss.com/
• http://www.goreplicas.com/
• http://www.planet4watches.com/
• http://www.blitzwatches.co.uk/
• http://www.antiquewatchcouk.com/LINKS.htm
• http://www.finestwatches.co.uk/
• http://www.watchfinder.co.uk/
• http://www.replicalover.com/
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• http://www.dream-watches.co.uk/
• http://www.replicawatch.org/
• http://www.watchjunction.co.uk/
• http://www.watchesuk.com/
• http://www.kelkoo.co.uk/
• http://www.secondtimeround.com/
• http://www.antiquewatches.co.uk/
• http://www.watchmakers.com/links.html

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